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087 474 3826

SHOW AREA DEFINED: “South-West Donegal:” the name of this Agricultural Show means the area included in the Parishes of Ardara, Glenties, Upper Rosses, Inver, Killybegs (Killaghtee), Kilcar and Glencolumbkille

1.         Competition is Open except where defined as above or confined to Ardara Parish

2.         CONFINED CATTLE EXHIBITS must be the property of the exhibitor for at least 6 months before date of Show.

3.         Exhibits in the Farm and Garden Produce, Industrial Sections, must have been grown by the exhibitor

4.         The Show Secretary, acting through her officers, may refuse an entry without assigning any reason.

5.         The Show Executive while cataloguing the exhibits will not accept liability for any error in the numbering of the exhibits, for any exhibit not being properly displayed, or for loss of, accident or damage to an exhibit.

6.         The judges may withhold a prize in any class in which in their opinion, there is not sufficient merit. The judges’ decision to “merit” will be final.

7.         All trophies are perpetual unless otherwise specified and cannot be won outright.

8.         Entry Fee must be paid when entering. All entries must be received on or before the closing date. No late entries accepted.

9.         In the case of only one exhibit in a Class, the Judge may award a 1st prize if in his/her opinion the quality is high enough, otherwise a merit may be awarded.

10.       In Classes where there are ten or more entries the Judges may award an additional prize, if exhibits in their opinion warrant such an award; 4th prize is equal to 3rd prize.

11.       Animals for exhibition at the Show must be in the Show Grounds at least 30 minutes before judging commences in their section, must be haltered and trained to the lead.

12.       No exhibit will be removed from the Show Grounds without permission from the Chief Steward whose name will appear in the Show Catalogue.

13.       Any statement re ownership wrongly and intentionally made in the Entry Form (in the opinion of the Executive Committee) automatically disqualifies the exhibitor.

14.       All prizes must be claimed on the day of Show.

15.       As judging starts in the marquee at 10 am, all exhibits must be in the marquee before 9.30 am, on date of Show. 

16.       The Show Society reserves the right to postpone the Show or part thereof, definitely or indefinitely, without incurring any liability to any exhibitor or other party exhibitor or other party.

17.       N.B. – Prize-winning exhibits at previous Shows in Ardara will not be eligible for any of the Competitions in the Industrial Section and must not be entered. 1

8.         Exhibits not to be removed from the marquee before 5pm.

19.       Only entries accepted by the Secretary are eligible for judging.

20.       New members shall not be entitled to vote until the meeting following acceptance of membership.

21.       No entry will be accepted from anyone who fails to return trophies on time.

22.       In accordance with Irish Shows Association Rule 5% of the prize money must be deducted in all cattle, horse and sheep classes and forwarded to them, to help defray their costs.

23.       Exhibitors are required to pay admission charge. If your entry fee is €80 or more you will receive 2 Show field passes.

24.       Any person who interfered in any way with a judge will forfeit any prizes he/she may have won in any section of the Show, and will be barred from entering or exhibiting at Ardara Show for a period that will be determined by the Executive Committee.

25.       Any Entry not in place by the stated time will not be judged.

26.       The general public will not be permitted in the Marquee during judging.

27.       During judging stewards will not accompany judges in sections where they have entries.

28.       Shows and competitors must contact the I.S.A. for all details and information concerning these Championships and not the sponsor.

29.       The committee reserves the right to cancel a class based on insufficient numbers, if this happens all entry money will be returned.

30.       Any objections or complaints must be lodged in writing with the I.S.A. representative at the show and the Show Secretary within half an hour following the completion of the competition, together with €50 or other stated fee which is refundable in the event of the objection being upheld.

31.       All cattle are strictly commercial unless otherwise stated.

32.       No Calves allowed in the No Permanent Teeth Section.

33.       All exhibitors are responsible for their own entries and ensuring they are entered in their proper class.

34.       The show society retains the right to adjust any classes as they see fit on the day of the show.

35.       If there are insufficient entries in any classes, the classes may be amalgamated. This will be on a case-by-case basis